Posts in LOVE
The Crystal Island KOH PHANGAN

On further inspection it turns out Koh Phangan is an 'ultra spiritual' destination, attracting all sorts of healers, yogis/yoginis and spiritual types. It is also said to be formed on a big chunk of rose quartz crystal, a crystal known for its heart healing properties. Funny then that it attracts all these people who are in need of some healing and lovin.

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The Beatles AshramRISHIKESH, INDIA

Set in the Rajaji Tiger reserve at the foot of the Himalayas in Rishikesh~the valley of saints, sits the abandoned 'Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram'. It was coined 'The Beatles Ashram' after the Beatles visited in 1968 to attended a transcendental meditation training session with the Maharishi...

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Yoga Teacher Training RISHIKESH, INDIA

It is difficult to express my feelings about the experience I've just had in Rishkesh without using cliché words such as ‘blessed’, ‘grateful’ or ‘life changing’. You really do come away feeling like your heart might explode from all the new friends you’ve made. Largely from spending fifteen hour days in the same room… learning, laughing, crying and growing together...

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Little UbudBALI

Ahhh Ubud, you little treasure. Ubud is up there on the list of special places, you could say that its more of a feeling than a place. But it is a place. Its definitely a place...

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One of my fav cafes was The Green Ginger Noodle House. The perfect place for a post yoga sesh dragonfruit smoothie bowl and a cup of ginger tea (see pic above). So much goodness!!

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